Sunday, April 3, 2011

This is Your Life, and it's Ending One Minute at a Time

So to tally the weekend up I have:
1. Spent hours watching chick flicks about moving on - 66% of which involved Ireland - 100% of which involved travel.
2. Spent time shopping - the returning to said mall the Sunday to exchange some of what i bought.
3. Sat in my room smoking/ on the Internet doing mindless things - including but not limited to:
- clicking the link to facebook, and continuously switching from my profile to my home page.
- looking at 'funny images' on sites such as and ebaumsworld.
- doing 'ipod shuffle' surveys on random sites.
4. Making spaghetti (little time was spent on this).
5. Realizing I need change more than Charlie Sheen needs meth (which I think is a pretty intense need).
6. Little time was spent wisely, such as on a good blog post (on my actually blog), personal hygiene, and sewing a dress.

I've just allowed myself the time and focus to get MY life back on track, just to realize that I'm caught up in a time loop of routine and excuses. What happened to me? I used to have fun, I used to BE fun, I had a personality, and interests, emotions, and I liked who I was. Now I'm just this grey slump that is attached to a keyboard, missing out on all of the rainbows, unicorns, and holographic spandex that the world has for me.

This is why I created this blog. This is the place where I am going to start out by making a change.
Well making many changes actually.
In a year's time, (give a week because I'm still waiting on a part of my plan) I'm going to be completely different (on purpose). A lot of people go out of their way to make a change. They plan something, set goals, and give up on them a month later. I on the other hand am not setting any goals, parameters, or otherwise. You may call this a cop out, I however call it genius. I am not planning to become anything other than different, for as we all know "every plan is a tiny prayer to father time" and well, if he doesn't deliver then the point is moot. No, no. I am going at this with no intention of anything really, other than to see where this gets me. 

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